Why is My Tooth Pain Not Going Away?

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Are you suffering from persistent tooth pain? Several things can lead to discomfort, such as decay, tooth malposition, infection, or tooth impaction. Prompt treatment can prevent the condition from becoming worse.

It’s hard to figure out what is causing the ache because the pain is often similar. You’ll need to visit a dental expert for a proper diagnosis. If you are experiencing tooth pain, and live near Saginaw or Midland, MI, make an appointment with Dr. Matthew Ward at Bay City Dental Center in Bay City, MI.

Tooth decay

If your tooth shows signs of decay, pain can erupt as the nerve becomes more sensitive. Advanced tooth decay can lead to the development of an abscess as the nerve of the tooth starts to die from an onslaught of bacteria. In such a situation, you’ll often require a root canal or tooth extraction.

Tooth decay is the leading cause of long-term dental pain. It can also lead to ongoing problems with your bite and your ability to chew properly.

Tooth damage or trauma

Blunt force trauma to the tooth from a sports accident, assault, auto accident, or some other mishap can disrupt blood flow to the pulp of the tooth, causing the nerve to die. Eventually, an abscess will form. In such a situation, you’ll require either a root canal or extraction to treat the infection.


If there isn’t enough room in your mouth for your teeth to come in, they will slowly start pushing together, which can lead to overcrowding. The crowded teeth hurt, and you might have a challenging time effectively cleaning between your teeth, which can lead to bacterial infections and decay.


If you have an infection in your gums or teeth, then you can experience chronic pain. The infection might occur because of tooth decay or gum disease. Over time it can become worse and could spread to affect other teeth, the gums, or the jaw.

Types of tooth pain

Below are a few common types of tooth pain:

Dull and throbbing

The pain can occur from chronic teeth grinding (bruxism), an abscess, or something lodged in your gum.

Sensitivity to heat and cold

Sensitivity to heat and cold can occur from a fracture in the tooth, dental decay, a loose filling, worn enamel, or gum disease. The pain feels sharp and fast but then subsides.

Sharp pain

Sharp pain occurs from a loose filling or crown. It can also indicate that a fracture has occurred or that you are suffering from enamel wear.

Throbbing severe pain

If you have an infected tooth or gum then you can experience severe, throbbing pain. You might also notice swelling, discoloration of the gum, an unpleasant taste in your mouth, and foul breath.

If you’ve got tooth pain that won’t go away, contact a Bay City Michigan dentist

Are you experiencing persistent tooth pain in Saginaw or Midland, MI? If so, schedule a consultation with Dr. Matthew Ward at the Bay City Dental Center in Bay City, MI. He will listen to your concerns and evaluate your mouth to determine what is causing the pain. Once the source of discomfort is pinpointed, we will collaborate with you to create an effective treatment plan.

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