Frequently Asked Questions
Do You Take My Insurance?
We accept most dental insurance plans. Dental insurance is a contract between the patient and the insurance provider. It is ultimately the responsibility of the patient to know their insurance coverage. However, we are always here to lend a helping hand and will be happy to help anyway we can. In these ever-changing times, insurance policies are becoming more and more complicated and confusing. Our office can help you navigate through your benefits and guide you in the right direction. If you have questions regarding your insurance coverage, please give us a call. As a courtesy to our patients, we will bill any insurance provider for you.
Do You Have Payment Options?
We accept CARE CREDIT. CareCredit is a Dental/Medical/Veterinarian credit card which offers patients an affordable option to make payments and is a great option for patients to help extend payments for costlier dental procedures. Care Credit offers several payment options for patients some of which are interest free. Visit their website or call our office for more details and fee for service are due at the time of service. We accept:Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.

What Do I Need To Bring To My Appointment?
At your first scheduled appointment we will need you to bring your dental insurance information and your driver’s license or photo ID.
Why Do I Need X-Rays?
It is necessary to take x-rays in order to properly diagnose a patient’s dental health.Other then the part of the tooth that we can see in the mouth, there are many parts of oral health we cannot see with the naked eye. We need to do x-rays to diagnose cavities, gum disease, infections, cysts, and yes, even cancer. When we take x-rays for you, you are doing your health a great service, making sure things are diagnosed at a small stage rather than letting things get too big and more difficult to treat. A small cavity can turn into a major dental procedure if x-rays are not used for proper diagnosis. It is extremely important to stay current on your x-rays to ensure proper oral health.
Are X-Rays Safe?
Our office is dedicated to providing our patients with the most current technology available. We offer a type of x-ray system in our office called digital imaging. Digital imaging uses a computer sensor that offers several benefits including:
- 70-80% decreased radiation exposure
- More environmentally friendly; with digital imaging the need for chemicals to develop the x-rays is unnecessary
- less wait times; since the images are instant our patients no longer need to wait for the x-rays to develop
- More comfortable; the sensors are smaller and have rounded edges providing more comfort for our patients
What Age Should My Child Have Their First Dental Appointment?
We recommend your child should start seeing a dentist at age 2, or when they are old enough to sit in the dental chair. It sometimes helps to have the child watch a parent or older sibling during a regular appointment so they can see what it is all about. We often give them a first “ride” in the chair and let them experience “fun”, so they are comfortable about coming in for their first appointment.
What Are Sealants?
Most young teeth, shortly after eruption have deep pits and grooves that haven’t had years to become smooth from wear. These grooves are where food and bacteria can become trapped. During a child’s young years, when their eating and brushing habits aren’t at their best, is usually where a cavity will start. We place sealants over the deep pits and grooves to prevent the bacteria from becoming embedded in these areas that don’t often get cleaned out daily. A Sealant is a white or clear liquid that is flowed through the grooves and cured to become a hard smooth surface, covering and “sealing” the grooves. It is a simple procedure, no numbing is required and most insurances cover them.