Signs You Should See A Dentist For A Crown
When your tooth hurts when chewing, it’s important to schedule a dental exam quickly in Bay City, MI. During a dental exam at Bay City Dental Center, Dr. Matthew Ward can evaluate your teeth and gums to decide if you need a dental crown. A crown is a covering that fits over existing teeth, like a cap. A dental crown is used when there is decay in a tooth where there isn’t enough tooth left for it to function correctly. It can also be used for a cracked tooth, a fractured tooth, after root canal therapy, to fill gaps between teeth with bridges, or to complete the dental implant process. Dental crowns protect the remaining part of a tooth from being damaged further and keep your bite intact.
How do dental crowns in Midland, MI, work?
Installing a dental crown takes two visits to our Bay City, MI, dental office. During your first visit, we take X-rays and examine the tooth being treated and the surrounding teeth to make sure you have enough bone to hold the crown in place. If there is significant tooth decay, we may suggest a root canal. After your exam, we take an impression of your tooth so that a crown can be fitted for appropriate placement. A temporary crown is made and placed until you come back for your second visit. We will remove your temporary, clean your tooth, and fit your crown in place at this visit. Then, we perform an X-ray to verify that your crown fits right.
When do you need a crown?
Dr. Ward helps his Saginaw, Bay City, and Midland, MI patients at Bay City Dental Center understand when a crown is necessary for their oral health. There are many signs that you may need a crown, including:
You have a broken tooth: A crown is used to support and strengthen a tooth that is damaged. It also helps keep the tooth together. The severity of the break is the leading factor in determining whether or not a crown is necessary.
You need a bridge: To fill the gap from a missing tooth, a dental bridge is used to bridge this gap with abutment teeth. We use crowns to anchor this bridge, so the bridge is successful.
You grind your teeth: Severe bruxism can lead to damage to your teeth. A crown can help restore broken, chipped, or worn-down teeth.
You have a large cavity: A crown sometimes is better than a filling, especially when there isn’t enough tooth structure left. A crown offers more protection overall and helps you avoid further damage to the tooth.
How long do crowns last?
Dental crowns don’t last a lifetime. However, with proper oral hygiene, they can last a long time. For your crown to last, it needs to fit properly, which is why we perform an X-ray at the end of your second visit to make sure it does. A good at-home oral hygiene routine of regular brushing and flossing, and consistent dental exams and routine dental cleanings, help your crown last up to 20 years.
Learn when a crown can improve your oral health
At Bay City Dental Center, Dr. Matthew Ward offers his patients crowns for different dental situations. After a dental exam, he can determine if a crown would benefit a patient’s oral health in Midland, MI. To schedule an appointment to learn if you need a crown, call our dental office today.