What Is the Benefit of Combining A Root Canal and Crown?
Teeth that are damaged or infected internally are often treated with an endodontic procedure known as a root canal. Though root canals have been historically regarded as dreaded dental treatments, in terms of comfort, the procedure really isn’t much different than having a dental filling or other restoration placed. In many cases, Bay City Michigan dentist Dr. Matthew Ward will recommend that patients have a dental crown placed on a tooth following root canal treatment to cover and strengthen the tooth structure. Read on to learn what, exactly, a root canal involves, and how a crown from Bay City Dental Center can help preserve the health of a root canal-treated tooth.
What is a root canal?
A root canal is a routine dental procedure performed to treat infection within a tooth and help save it from needing an extraction. During root canal therapy, Dr. Ward will numb the tooth and clean out the infected areas within the pulp, or nerve center of the tooth. Once it's cleaned and disinfected, a special filling material will be placed within the pulp and canals of the tooth roots, strengthening the tooth from within.
Reasons for a root canal
When a tooth is decayed, injured, or damaged, oral bacteria have an easier time accessing the pulp. This often results in an infection within this vital area of the tooth that can lead to pain, among other uncomfortable symptoms for Bay City, MI patients. A root canal may be needed if one or more of the following signs and symptoms are present:
- Tooth decay that reaches the pulp
- Broken or injured teeth
- Cracked tooth syndrome
- Tooth pain or sensitivity
- Pain upon biting or chewing
- Darkening of a tooth
- A pimple-like bump on the gums
Why are crowns often placed after a root canal?
A root canal removes the pulp of an infected tooth, which houses the nerve supply and blood vessels. In the absence of the pulp, the tooth no longer receives nutrients to keep it vital. This causes root canal-treated teeth to be more brittle and more susceptible to breaking, cracking, and crumbling. A dental crown is a full restoration that covers and protects the tooth from the gumline up. Made of tooth-colored porcelain or other durable materials, a crown holds the internal structure of the tooth together while allowing for normal oral function and appearance.
The root canal and crown process
At Bay City Dental Center, Dr. Ward will perform a root canal and place a temporary restoration on the tooth until it fully heals. Once healing has occurred, he will remove a portion of the enamel to make room for the crown, and take an impression of the prepared tooth. From this impression, a custom dental crown will be made to fit evenly over the tooth. The new crown should allow for normal biting and chewing functions while offering a seamless appearance for a patient's smile.
Visit a trusted root canal specialist in Bay City, MI
As a caring root canal specialist, Dr. Matthew Ward understands the apprehension some patients experience when undergoing root canal and crown procedures. He takes a gentle, caring approach to perform root canals for Bay City, Saginaw, and Midland, MI patients to help ensure treatment comfort. If you think you might need a root canal and crown, please call Bay City Dental Center to schedule a visit. We are dedicated to helping you preserve your oral health, no matter what your dental needs might be.